Friday, May 13, 2016

Last blog!

My colleague Kelly Spivey’s post about the election process being rigged makes several excellent points about the reality of our election process today. From closed primaries to super delegates. Our modern political election system is very unfair to candidates who don’t have enough political backing or people who are not that very well known. 

I would go further in asserting this point. I think the election system is rigged because people who are already a part of the political establishment want to keep other people who are a part of that establishment in power. I think money in politics plays a huge role. Big donors who back candidates with millions of dollars in donations are at a huge advantage compared to candidates who are not well known and who don’t have the financial backing. 

Law’s like Citizens United that was passed in the Supreme Court has made it possible for people to donate unlimited amounts of money to back a particular candidate. Those who have the strongest financial backing from donors get more exposure from advertisements on TV and radio and also from the mainstream media news. Those who don’t have that kind of backing have little exposure.