Friday, March 11, 2016


Robert Parry writes a piece on smirkingchimp about the state of our political climate. He states that the political establishment of both the Republican and Democratic party are corrupt. He argues that both parties manipulate their citizens in similar ways.

The only difference he says, is that the democrats favor a bottom up economy model while the republicans favor a top down economy (also known as trickle down economy). When it comes to their world view and being involved in foreign matters, both parties share similar perspectives.

Parry further writes about media as well. He says that both parties control their respective media entities. Republicans have conservative media sources and democrats have their own. Both defend their positions on key issues by feeding citizens things that they want to hear. He doesn't call it a conspiracy or anything, but he believes it a calculated manipulation.

I agree with everything Parry writes. I think both parties favor multinational corporations and don't do that great of a job helping out working class people. And i think people are starting to recognize the trend. That is why we have candidates who are outside of the political establishment on both sides. Candidates like Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump have become extremely popular among people who are dissatisfied with their political establishment.